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Hermes Platinum | Real estate projects in Cyprus
  • Properties
  • Nicosia – A Unique Response to the Climate of Nicosia

Nicosia – A Unique Response to the Climate of Nicosia

November 5th, 2019

Nicosia – A Unique Response to the Climate of Nicosia

Listing ID #3909

  • Nicosia, Cyprus

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Property Information
  • Property Type: Apartments,
  • Price: €480,000
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At the centre of Nicosia , facing the medieval walls and the moat that enclose the old part of the city, White Walls rises 17th  floors above ground. The 10.000- square metres building includes retail spaces, offices and apartments.

The White Walls  has been designed by Pritzker-Prize winning architect Jean Nouvel and as with all of his buildings it is rooted in the specificity of its location and a unique response to the the climate of Nicosia, its history and topography.

On the south façade, large planting areas on each floor run the length of the building so as to create a vertical “green” screen modulating the sunlight that reaches the interior of the apartments. A natural brise soleil protects the apartments during the summer months, while during the winter months, when the plants shed their leaves, it allows as much sunlight as possible to reach the interior of the apartments.

The massive concrete walls on the east-west elevation are negated by numerous perforations, an ethereal reference to the pixels of a highly enlarged image on a computer screen. The perforations are sometimes overflown by vegetation from the internal gardens and at other times act as openings to the rooms behind.

On the north elevation large balconies open up the building to the view of the medieval city and allows the occupants to enjoy the temperate climate of the island.

A duplex apartment occupies the top two floors of the building. It is organised around a central courtyard, a typology common to traditional Cypriot architecture. Three large louvers set at different angles reminiscent of an “exploded” hipped roof protect the apartment from the intense summer sun while retaining views to the sky.

Ground floor A101 280 41 400 13 SOLD
B 201 (Mezan) 187 23 SOLD
1 C 301 302 30 9 28 6 SOLD
2 D 401 289 36 10 28 6 SOLD
3 E 501 291 36 28 4 SOLD
4 Z 601 284 33 42 28 4 SOLD
5 H 701 298 22 28 6 SOLD
6 θ 801 284 26 28 7 SOLD
7 I 901 287 44 28 4 3 SOLD
8 k 1001 290 33 28 4 3 SOLD
9 Λ 1101 288 45 28 4 3 SOLD
10 M 1201 298 38 14 4 3 SOLD
11 N 1301 288 44 28 4 3 SOLD
12 1401 297 38 14 4 3 AVAILABLE
13 O 1501 297 33 14 4 3 SOLD
14 1601 300 34 28 4 3 SOLD
15 & 16 P 1701 431 35 280 4 3 SOLD




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